Route problems

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Hello ! I’m trying to install a multiseller module and the developper is helping me, he has problems with the ‘route’ here is what he asked:


I’m still having problems with the routing. It is related to the Pavilion theme. I don’t understand why the default behaviour of OpenCart routing isn’t working, which goes like account/product/update should call the “update” method in controller file “/catalog/account/product.php” and display using the template “/catalog/view/theme/pavilion/account/product_form.tpl”. But the main content of the page is empty if one logs in to the Test Member Account and edit’s product by clicking a link like

Further, works, but is blank.

I don’t undertand what’s going on. I think it has to do with the Pavilion framework modifying the default routing. Perhaps you can ask the Pavilion theme developers? Also, I don’t understand the function of the PHP code “$tbData->slotStart(…);” and “$tbData->slotStop();” in each of the theme’s template files. Perhaps you can forward them that question, too? They appears to be wrapping and potentially modifying what is displayed on the page and I believe may be related to the empty pages being shown.


it’s for installing this multiseller extension: *

could you help me so i can answer him with this route problem ??

thanks very much !


July 14, 2016 at 8:57 am #49611
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July 20, 2016 at 5:51 pm #49761

Hello thanks for your answer !
We have still a problem… if you can have a look, here it is :

For the Member Info page the correct page template is being called and displayed, but the “slot” for the main content is not. I think the problem here is connected to the fact that this page is different than the others in that it displays a list of product listings. The code for this slot is different than the rest. I modeled it off of the Manufacturer Info page and was using the following:

slotStart(‘product/member/info.products’, array(‘filter’ => array(‘product/member/info.products.filter|oc_system_products_filter’, ‘products’ => &$products), ‘data’ => $data)); ?>

Now, if I change it to the following, then I get a bit more, but with an error – see the result shown in the screenshot at the end of this message:

slotStart(‘product/member/info.page_content’); ?>

So, the Pavilion template file is passing the $products array by reference to “slotStart” and returning empty. I’m guessing there may be some database caching for the products query (well, an educated guess, because I saw some code in a vQmod file that appears to be adding this). So, I think there is a problem integrating this with the new Member page, which queries all products with a new additional filter, “filter_member_id”. This is as far as I’ve gotten. I’m stuck in that (1) I need confirmation that there is indeed some product caching going on; and (2) I’m not sure where to update the product caching appropriately. Perhaps you can send this message to ThemeBurn and ask them specifically where/how I can update the Pavilion theme caching system, based on my complete response herein?

July 21, 2016 at 6:17 pm #49796


1) You need to use the same slotting (Page Content) as described in our previous post. Unfortunately, you cannot slot the product listing content as a Products slot without meeting a couple of other code requirements.

2) The errors from the screenshot are caused by Pavilion product listing code with the extra product information variables. Used outside the default OC pages (category, specials etc.), this code will not work. Here you should use the default extension variables (of course you can adapt the markup).

Hope, this will help you.

ThemeBurn team

July 21, 2016 at 6:59 pm #49801

Hello, thanks for the answer ! could you tell us what are the other code requirements ?
“Unfortunately, you cannot slot the product listing content as a Products slot without meeting a couple of other code requirements.”

thanks again !

July 21, 2016 at 7:22 pm #49802


“Other code requirements” means that you need to touch a lot of other system files in order to slot a piece of content as a Products slot.

ThemeBurn team

July 22, 2016 at 5:09 pm #49817
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