After installing Shoppica 2

ThemeBurn SupportForumsOpenCart ThemesShoppica 2 OpenCart ThemeAfter installing Shoppica 2

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So, not very happy at the moment. Hope someone can help me out.

This is what I see at the top of my site after installing Shoppica 2.2.1 for the latest Opencart version 15.4.1. Cant even login anymore at /admin . Nothing really works. The theme I had before was the standard. No extra modules installed. Just a plain newly installed Opencart

tension()->getModel()->themeModuleForOCExists($extension_name)) { $tbExtension = $tbManager->getExtension($extension_name); } } if (isset($tbExtension)) { $action = new TB_CatalogModuleAction($tbExtension, $args); } else { $action = new Action($child, $args); } // TB Modification 2 END if (file_exists($action->getFile())) { require_once($action->getFile()); $class = $action->getClass(); // TB Modification 3 BEGIN if (isset($tbExtension) && is_subclass_of($class, ‘TB_CatalogController’)) { $controller = new $class($tbManager, $tbExtension); } else { $controller = new $class($this->registry); } if (isset($type) && $type == ‘module’ && !empty($args)) { $controller->data['module_instance'] = $args; $controller->data['module_position'] = $args['position']; $controller->data['module_layout_id'] = $args['layout_id']; } // TB Modification 3 END $controller->{$action->getMethod()}($action->getArgs()); return $controller->output; } else { trigger_error(‘Error: Could not load controller ‘ . $child . ‘!’); exit(); } } protected function render() { foreach ($this->children as $child) { $this->data[basename($child)] = $this->getChild($child); } if (file_exists(DIR_TEMPLATE . $this->template)) { extract($this->data); ob_start(); require(DIR_TEMPLATE . $this->template); $this->output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $this->output; } else { trigger_error(‘Error: Could not load template ‘ . DIR_TEMPLATE . $this->template . ‘!’); exit(); } } } ?>Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /storage/content/37/104037/ in /storage/content/37/104037/ on line 11

January 19, 2013 at 8:22 pm #17363

Can add that I with some backup files was able to get into /admin the upload the theme files again and quickly installing the theme almost correctly.

Now the site looks good but with a mix of english and swedish. I have setup swedisk krona as payment and everything is switched to swedish in admin were possible. But the theme does not show the correct prices for my products. A product with 8000 i value is shown as about 1.700 with dollarsign in front of it. Everything about the prices are f up and like i said, a mix of swedish and english.

Please help me out. Where should I make language adjustments or could i get I refund? This is not what I expected.

January 19, 2013 at 9:31 pm #17364

Ok ;)

So I found some language files and could make changes in them.
About the currency being USD even it was inactive could be fixed by deleting the currency and then adding it again as inactive. Not everything is in swedish currency.

A couple of things that I would like some hel with. In the checkout theres a field called entry_customer_group with a dropdown with only the choice default in it.

Never seen this field before, it popped up when adding this theme.

When the customer click to read the terms and conditions for placing an order there seems to be no stylesheet on it. It looks pretty nice with the default opencart theme but it seems that shoppica has no style on these “pop ups”.

January 19, 2013 at 10:05 pm #17365


Ok so I found a way to fix the entry_customer_group in the guest checkout area. I added entry_customer_group with a text since it seemed to be missing in the theme.

Only the CSS for the “pop ups” left to fix. This I can not do by myself. Is it left out in the CSS for this theme by mistake?

January 20, 2013 at 12:05 am #17366

And the last issue

On the start page there is a text and I can´t figure out where to edit this sucker. Please help me

Shoppica is a stylish premium OpenCart theme. The clean and modern design allows you to use the theme for every kind of online shop: clothes, accessories, gifts, electronics, furniture, health and cosmetics store and so on.

One of the main features is to choose different types of slideshows for every category, so you can personalize every part of your store. Shoppica allows you to customize product listing size, column position and layout type, giving you the power to easy adapt the theme to your products or services. With the color themer tool you can change site’s elements and make your store unique and stand out of the crowd. Read more about shoppica features in the About Us page.

January 20, 2013 at 12:08 am #17367

And the last issue solved. I´ll be back with more issues when I encounter them and this time try to solve them myself before posting. Thanks Themeburn

January 20, 2013 at 12:38 am #17368

Hope everything is OK now :)

Most of the things you have mentioned above are default OpenCart settings, except the translation problem. If you still haven’t resolved it, you can check this topic:

ThemeBurn team

January 21, 2013 at 1:04 pm #17424
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