update to 2.3 and page speed problem

ThemeBurn SupportForumsOpenCart ThemesTechnopolis OpenCart Themeupdate to 2.3 and page speed problem

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hi teslimattaode.com my website. I have a pagespeed problem. index page come quickly but browsing category or product very painful. Also I don’t know why my page have some ipv4 redirects. So links looks like ipv4.teslimattaode.com so icons and some files not or properly loaded and I can’t even add product to basket.

and I would like to update my website to opencart 2.3 I try it before but system says burnengine not loaded properly and I should reinstall or update and I try that too but it cannot be updated after this process. So I go back plesk backup my state 2.2 version

can you help me update 2.3 and technopolis update. and please take a look at speed and ip4v problem.

Thank you

February 8, 2017 at 5:37 pm #56209

anyone thinks my message worth to respond? I have been waiting for 2 days :(

February 11, 2017 at 1:22 am #56296


February 11, 2017 at 5:24 pm #56310

Sorry for not answering several days, your thread was erroneously marked as hidden by our processing system and we weren’t able to view it in our queue .

Can you please provide website url, admin and ftp access, so we can check the upgrade problem.

You can use hidepost to share private information with the support staff.

Thanks for your patience.

ThemeBurn team

  • This reply was modified 2777 days ago by  TB Support.
February 13, 2017 at 12:05 am #56348

hi again.

I bought one page checkout extension but I am not install it yet. First I wanna upgrade 2.3 but after this burnengine gave me error and I can’t update or reinstall it. So I ask hosting company to restore my latest backup and they did.

now I need help about update version opencart 2.3 and burnengin update.

also I have only 15000 product but webpage and product or category page browsing very very slow. I check your demo and I compare with my website there is a huge speed difference. my server has 8 gb ram and 4 core processor and 100gb ssd disk cloud.

also when I activate live search and search any product webpage crash and 2-3 minute nearly cannot be browsing. And when I try to open seo url webpage links broken and frontend index come but product page doesnt. You can activate it and see what happens. May be you can find a solution for this too.

thank you

Thanks for the help!

February 13, 2017 at 1:36 am #56353

and one more question I have payment module name ipara I activate it but I can’t see it in frontend.

also I have PAYTR payment system it’s worked fine and well but ipara doesn’t seen on webpage.

there is ipara module : http://ipara.com.tr/Style%20Library/assets/teknik-entegrasyon-dokumanlari/Direkt%20%C3%96deme%20OpenCart%20v2.3.x%20Plugin.zip

February 13, 2017 at 1:42 am #56355

Our demo has 50 products and our server is about 2-3x faster than yours, so it is not surprise that the performance is better. Although we don’t notice any speed and performance issues with browsing your site. It is actually very swift ant the pages open fast.

We will check about the live search and let you know.

February 13, 2017 at 1:46 am #56360

ok by the way can you upgrade opencart and burnengine to 2.3?

2) search problem
3) ipara payment module not shown at frontend

February 13, 2017 at 2:03 am #56364


any news about opencart upgrade to 2.3 and burnengine update?

February 14, 2017 at 1:57 am #56434


please upgrade to the latest Technopolis, which was released minutes ago. It includes a fix for the ‘burn engine not loaded issue’. After you have upgraded Technopolis, you can upgrade OpenCart to Thereafter you have to enter the Technopolis admin panel in order to finish the upgrade process.

About the live search issue- the plugin is not suited for deployments with such a large product base like yours. Technopolis live search plugin is just a little free alternative for smaller sites. You have to use one of the paid live search plugins from opencart marketplace.

ThemeBurn team

February 14, 2017 at 3:30 pm #56465

You see this message because BurnEngine is not properly installed.

This problem is usually caused when BurnEngine module is not installed. Please, go to admin panel, enter Extensions -> Modules, find ‘BurnEngine CP’ and click ‘install’.

after refresh

Fatal error: ‘Error: Could not load model total!’
in /var/www/vhosts/teslimattaode.com/httpdocs/system/storage/modification/system/engine/loader.php:191
Stack trace:
#0 system/engine/proxy.php(25): Loader->{closure}(Array, Array)
#1 catalog/controller/common/cart.php(37): Proxy->__call(‘getTotal’, Array)
#2 system/storage/modification/system/engine/action.php(51): ControllerCommonCart->index(Array)
#3 system/storage/modification/system/engine/loader.php(46): Action->execute(Object(Registry), Array)
#4 catalog/controller/common/header.php(129): Loader->controller(‘common/cart’)
#5 system/storage/modification/system/engine/action.php(51): ControllerCommonHeader->index(Array)
#6 system/storage/modification/system/engine/loader.php(46): Action->execute(Object(Registry), Array)
#7 catalog/controller/common/home.php(17): Loader->controller(‘common/header’)
#8 system/storage/modification/system/engine/action.php(51): ControllerCommonHome->index()
#9 catalog/controller/startup/router.php(25): Action->execute(Object(Registry))
#10 system/storage/modification/system/engine/action.php(51): ControllerStartupRouter->index()
#11 system/storage/modification/system/engine/front.php(37): Action->execute(Object(Registry))
#12 system/storage/modification/system/engine/front.php(32): Front->execute(Object(Action))
#13 system/framework.php(103): Front->dispatch(Object(Action), Object(Action))
#14 system/startup.php(124): require_once(‘/var/www/vhosts…’)
#15 index.php(19): start(‘catalog’)
#16 {main}

admin section

Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in /var/www/vhosts/teslimattaode.com/httpdocs/system/vendor/BurnEngine/admin/ThemeAdminExtension.php on line 113

February 14, 2017 at 6:43 pm #56485


We will now check these errors and fix them asap.

ThemeBurn team

February 15, 2017 at 12:54 am #56493

ok thank you I am waiting.

February 15, 2017 at 1:55 am #56494

dear support can you fix this? my customers keep calling and asking whats happening, when website will be open ?

February 15, 2017 at 10:10 am #56511


we examined your server and find out that there were no problem with our theme. The site does not open due to improper upgrade. Please, check if you followed this guide:

There is a step, named ‘BUG: Error: Could not load model total!’

ThemeBurn team

February 15, 2017 at 10:57 am #56512
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