Cart is empty

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My customer reports that the have the nex problem:
first press the button add to cart and is ok but when i go to checkout or view cart, the cart is empty. I have the same problem in firefox, chorme and internet explorer, Can you help me why is happening this. please helpme to resolve this.

I have opencart 1.5.6 in multi store mode 6

January 23, 2014 at 4:43 am #30081


The problem comes when a customer opens the store as, adds products and when goes to the cart page, he is redirected to the The case is that you set cookies for two different domains (adding products to the cart is a cookie job). You cart is empty because you’ve never added products for website.

The solution is to have a server redirection from to

You can find more information about this redirection here:

There are plenty of similar topics around the web.

ThemeBurn team

January 28, 2014 at 11:06 am #30160
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