Header – login Create an Account

ThemeBurn SupportForumsOpenCart ThemesShoppica OpenCart ThemeHeader – login Create an Account

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Hi, I have recently installed the latest version of Shoppica. I have changed my header background to black and managed to style the categories to how I want them. The issue I have is with the Welcome section on the header. I can change the colour of the main message but can not seem to change the colour of the ‘Login’ and ‘create an account’ text within this section.

On the black background the text looks really dull, I would apreciate any help please.

November 8, 2011 at 11:58 pm #3364
You will need to register in order to post topics and read replies in the ThemeBurn.com support forums!
November 9, 2011 at 11:21 pm #3409

many thanks, can I ask what the !important; bit means

November 28, 2011 at 11:53 pm #3938

The !important declaration give higher priority to the styles, on which it is assigned. We use it, because we want to override other styles in the stylesheet.

ThemeBurn team

November 30, 2011 at 12:15 pm #3978
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