Re- Position Intro Slider n Background For Navigation

ThemeBurn SupportForumsOpenCart ThemesShoppica OpenCart ThemeRe- Position Intro Slider n Background For Navigation

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Hey Guys

First want to complement you on an awesome template. Then no complaints or issues so far. We have Shoppica Template for Open Cart  Version 1.0.11. 

Was wondering if it is possible to do two things?

1) Build a navagational bar rather than just plain text so that navagation always has a background and not just on hover. Navigational menu being top category or informational page links.

2) Is it possible to re-position the intro slider as well as other sliders. So that if you had five sliders on page you could organize them in the order you wanted.

A couple of other questions.

3) Is it possible to name each slider and how.So that a slider might read Featured or Specials.

4) Then how is there a way to single out the front images so that there is always a text box placed in each image. Such as special or recommended or featured so forth.

Thanks Guys!

March 30, 2012 at 5:24 am #7660
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April 2, 2012 at 11:00 am #7728
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