Shoppica 1.0.12 ajax issues

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I’m a opencart developer and many of my buyers have your theme, everythings works find till the new version 1.0.12, my mod use jquery load() function, now each time I use this function shoppica ajax response with

Warning! You see this message due one (or more) of the following reasons:

1. You have not enabled your ‘Shoppica Theme CP’ module. Please, go to admin panel, enter Extensions->Modules and change the status of ‘Shoppica Theme CP’ to `enabled`.

instead of correct response
Can you give a clue where is the problem.

Best regards

March 22, 2012 at 12:38 pm #7393


can you please be more specific about the problem ? We use a lot of ajax calls in Shoppica and we didn’t have such issues. It would be good if you point us to an example where we can reproduce the problem ?

March 22, 2012 at 12:46 pm #7397

Thanks for quickly response,

if you click on see more after 1 A 1, the system response with install error when should present more filters, everything works without shoppica theme.

March 22, 2012 at 1:15 pm #7400

Because many people have problems with the Shoppica installation (mostly due to RTFM issues), we have added a check in some templates. You can open catalog/view/theme/shoppica/template/module/bestseller.tpl or catalog/view/theme/shoppica/template/common/footer.tpl for example. The first line is:

<?php if (!isset($this->document->shoppica_rightColumnEmpty)) { require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../common/install_error.tpl'; die(); } ?>

As you can see, if the shoppica_rightColumnEmpty is not defined, we display an error message and we terminate the script execution.

This would happen if you use other file than the default index.php for entrance of your ajax actions or if you fetch templates before the Shoppica init point in index.php:

// Shoppica
$controller->addPreAction(new Action('module/shoppica/init'));

A simple fix would be to initialize this variable at the beginning of your custom code:

$this->document->shoppica_rightColumnEmpty = false;

Hope this helps.

March 22, 2012 at 3:26 pm #7402

Hi thanks for anwers,

1) My first module Ocscroll works if I remove on footer
document->shoppica_rightColumnEmpty)) { require dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/../common/install_error.tpl’; die(); } ?>

I have try to set your solution
$this->document->shoppica_rightColumnEmpty = false;

but not working

2) The other problem – if a disable seo it works. Do you have modified anything on routing seo in your shoppica theme?

March 22, 2012 at 4:22 pm #7405

In catalog/controller/module/shoppica.php there is a method doRouting(). I think it should answer your question about the routing.

The problem is obviously that your extension includes the footer before the $this->document->shoppica_rightColumnEmpty variable is initialized in code>catalog/controller/module/shoppica.php. This inclusion is triggered somehow in doRouting() I guess. Setting $this->document->shoppica_rightColumnEmpty = false; in your extension should do the trick, but you said it is not working.

We have changed a little this check and we have uploaded another version to themeforest. We'll let you know when it's approved (should happen today) to test it with your extension.

March 23, 2012 at 11:44 am #7432
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