Style and Script caching only for Pavilion related things?

ThemeBurn SupportForumsOpenCart ThemesPavilion OpenCart ThemeStyle and Script caching only for Pavilion related things?

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Hi support,

I was wondering, if your build-in caching function minifies and merges together only CSS and JS from your own template or does it merge also scripts included by addSTyle or addJS in the php files?


June 3, 2015 at 10:35 am #41266


For the moment, third party CSS and JS is not merged and minified.

ThemeBurn team

June 9, 2015 at 6:49 pm #41400

Thank for the answer. Is there a possibility to choose the position of script execution? I see that some inline JS scripts are automatically moved to the bottom for performance reasons (which makes sense for some of them).

But unfortunately, despite the async tag, some scripts are executed earlier (like 3rd-party share button JS) than others (fotorama js) leading to blocking the image loading until the share buttons are loaded (or doing it in parallel, but browser is busy loading the script).

I tried to move it to the footer, but anyway the script is parsed by some scrapper of yours and moved to a position earlier than the fotorama script. Moreover, the custom JS field in the pavilion admin area is also placed before the fotorama JS.

Is there a way to influence the loading order of JS? Or at least to exclude some scripts of being moved somehwere else than the intended position in the tpl file?


June 9, 2015 at 8:59 pm #41404

Thanks for the insight into this issue. Your arguments sound reasonable, but we have currently no intuitive way for re-organizing the script load order. We have added your comments into our tracking system and will consider them for our new upgrade.

ThemeBurn team

June 10, 2015 at 11:01 am #41420

Thanks for getting back. Is there a non-intuitive way? :) – Maybe you could point me to the 1 or 2 or more files, which take care of the loading and scrapping of the js and I might build a vqmod for myself? As it is an annoying issue for my me, I’d love to do something about it. Thanks.

June 10, 2015 at 11:09 am #41421


you can disable the fotorama javascript inclusion in by commenting out the following line in tb_themes/BurnEngine/catalog/plugin/ProductPlugin.php:


The you could include this resource manually before the closing body tag.

ThemeBurn team

June 22, 2015 at 9:36 am #41575
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