Another BUG we found or atleast we think its a bug.

ThemeBurn SupportForumsOpenCart ThemesBurnEngineAnother BUG we found or atleast we think its a bug.

This topic has been marked as resolved.


We found out that we cannot hide the Categories block from the “Extra small” screens like Phones (We tested it on LG G4 and Lenovo S60). We tried using Bootstrap classes as you suggested in some other thread, but nothing happens. At the moment we set it through the BE to be Hidden(Picture-2) on Phones, but as you can see on Picture-1 its not really hidden.

Also we were not able to adjust the submenus to to start where the first ends and from top to be next to the blue line (this version of the main categories is set to be visible only on medium devices like tablets on landscape or zoom on Chrome from 150% to 175%). You can see Picture-3 to better understand what we want to achieve.


Stefan Pavlov

November 22, 2016 at 5:30 pm #53516


We tested the following classes on the whole “Row” – “hidden-lg hidden-md hidden-sm hidden-xs” and they hide it from every device we got, as expected (24 inch monitor, 15,3 notebook, 13,3 notebook, 7 inch tablet), except our Phones which must be in the “extra small device” graph (LG G4, Iphone 6 and Lenovo S60).

The only way to hide it for the Phones is to write “visible-lg-block” but then its removed even from the Desktop version (and thats the only place it must be shown).

We also are not allowed to combine the “visible” type of classes with each other.

So we think something is not right. Waiting for your response.


Stefan Pavlov

  • This reply was modified 2718 days ago by  Kanisco.
November 23, 2016 at 4:11 pm #53539


Can you provide us with some information, about this. Are you working on a fix? Its been 5 days with no answer from you guys :(


Stefan Pavlov

November 28, 2016 at 9:40 am #53717


Can you atleast tell us how to change the position of the submenu?

Here you can see how your demo is: “Picture-1″ , here is our site “Picture-2″. Our submenu is overlaying the first one. You can see it for yourself inside any product on our page.

And we are still waiting for some answer on this question and most importantly on that we are not able to hide things from the mobile version. (This is very important, and we are not sure why you are not replying even to tell us you are working on a fix.)

Stefan Pavlov

November 29, 2016 at 3:57 pm #53832

Hi Stefan,

Your problem has not been ignored we are sorry for the delay, we are taking a look at the menu positioning.

About responsive utility classes – the fix can be found here:

ThemeBurn team

December 1, 2016 at 10:57 am #53906


That’s great. Looking forward for the menus solution and really hoping it wont be another 8 days to answer.


Stefan Pavlov

December 1, 2016 at 2:16 pm #53909


The problem with the menus comes from when i set minimal width of the menu. Firstly it was 200px and everything is ok, but i need it to be 240px and when I inputed the new value the second dropdown menu seems to not understand the new values of the first dropdown and its stuck as it is 200px.

PS: You really need to improve your response time guys, I’m really happy with the theme and the complexity of it, but if you want to have such a big and proffessional “CMS” like BurnEngine you need to have better response time. Its been almost 2 weeks since we asked about the menus and still nothing from you.

Stefan Pavlov

December 5, 2016 at 3:18 pm #54001

Hi Stefan,

We are sorry for the long response time, but unfortunately the problem with the menu responsiveness is not easy to solve. Or at least to provide a universal solution that will be working with all possible theme layouts. You can use this extra CSS that will be suitable for your modification of Technopolis theme:

@media (max-width: 1260px) {
  .nav-stacked > li > .dropdown-menu,
  .nav-stacked > li > .hidden ~ ul > li > .dropdown-menu
    max-width: calc(100vw - 100% - 60px);

We will try to provide a better solution with the upcoming theme release.

ThemeBurn team

December 7, 2016 at 2:19 am #54066


I am sorry to inform you, but this solution does not work. We still experiance tha problem with the menus. We have made a new dropdown menu you can see it when you enter inside of a product.

Stefan Pavlov

December 7, 2016 at 2:55 pm #54096

Hi Stefan,

We’ve put a new custom style. Can you please check again:

.dropdown-menu .tb_megamenu .dropdown-menu {
  margin-left: 21px !important;

ThemeBurn team

December 9, 2016 at 3:40 pm #54171

Sorry for the late response. The last solution you provided seems to be working. Thanks!

Stefan Pavlov

December 15, 2016 at 7:52 pm #54374

Glad we’ve helped at last and sorry for your troubles.

ThemeBurn team

December 20, 2016 at 10:26 am #54502
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