Facebook box have the blue outline

ThemeBurn SupportForumsOpenCart ThemesShoppica OpenCart ThemeFacebook box have the blue outline

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I find my footer facebook have the blue outline box. How can i remove it the outline and look like the original theme?



May 20, 2012 at 6:53 pm #9121
You will need to register in order to post topics and read replies in the ThemeBurn.com support forums!
May 21, 2012 at 2:23 pm #9168


I had re-upload facebook.css.php but still the same. Can you show me how to add an exception cause i do not understand.


May 21, 2012 at 5:04 pm #9181


You should rather ask your hosting support, as we are not specialized in server administration.

ThemeBurn team

May 23, 2012 at 12:58 pm #9236
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