Warning on install

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I’m getting the standard warning when setting up a fresh install of OpenCart and Shoppica 2:

You see this message because Shoppica 2 is not properly installed/configured. This happens usually due one (or more) of the following reasons:

I’ve done everything in the list, and I’ve done it twice. I’ve also disabled/re-enabled the theme after making this changes, double checked the module is installed.

I’ve removed the controller.php and extension.php files and re-uploaded from the shoppica install folder to no avail.

I’m stumped… The instructions to fix seem rather easy but nothing appears to solve the warning message…

  • This reply was modified 4325 days ago by  user65.
July 12, 2012 at 9:14 pm #11276

Solved by inserting the following line below line 215 in my index.php

// TB
$controller->dispatch(new Action(‘common/tb’, array(‘front’ => $controller)), new Action(‘error/not_found’));

It should look like this:

// Front Controller
$controller = new Front($registry);

// TB
$controller->dispatch(new Action(‘common/tb’, array(‘front’ => $controller)), new Action(‘error/not_found’));

July 12, 2012 at 9:23 pm #11278

Hi mate,

Glad you’ve managed to solve the problem.

Generally, the modification of index.php is described as “Step 2″ in the “Installation” section of our Shoppica documentation :)

If you have any other problems, do not hesitate to ask.

ThemeBurn team

July 16, 2012 at 11:01 am #11347
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