Waste of money!

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I hope this post won’t be deleted. This theme is great, very customizable and truly responsive. However, i will not invest more time developing my next theme with it. I cannot believe that you might lose a week worth of work because out of the sudden the theme control panel decided not to save your work but instead removed all entries that you have been working hours and hours to perfect.

November 30, 2014 at 7:39 pm #35067


we have been developing this theme more than a year. Then tested several months. We have more than 200 deployed installation in the last month. There is no single case in these more than two years, when the control panel suddenly erases all of the settings.

The way the theme handles its settings is by updating them, not erasing and saving new ones (which would cause data loss if something breaks between the delete and save operation). However, we admit that data loss is not impossible in principle. There are numerous ways this could happen – I wouldn’t go deep in technical details here.

We are currently working on autobackup functionality for the theme settings, but not because we want to insure ourselves against theme inconsistency. We believe that there is no bug that randomly wipes all of the settings. We are developing it to cover all of the cases we don’t have control over, just like the your case – we have absolutely no idea what happens in your local environment. As said, there are numerous ways to invoke database inconsistency. That’s why database backups exist.

We are very sorry for your wasted time, we would like to help, but I believe there is not much to do when the data is already not there. Can you share what has been erased – all of the theme settings, just the page builder, some formatting or it has just been reverted to initial state ?

ThemeBurn team

November 30, 2014 at 9:51 pm #35068
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